The owner of the online store www.rollersandskis.com is Rollers and Skis Ltd., registration No. LV40203505168, correspondence address: Parka Str. 9-5, Lubana Latvia LV-4830 (hereinafter referred to as the online store).

The validity of contract of sale, product and price information

The conditions of sale apply to purchases of goods from the online store.
The prices of the products sold in the online store are indicated next to the products. A fee for shipping is added to the price.
The shipping cost depends on the location of the purchaser and the shipping method. The shipping cost is displayed when the purchaser places the order.
All prices are in Euros (€).
Product information is provided immediately adjacent to the product in the online store.

Placing an order

Add the desired products to your shopping basket to order them. Fill in all of the required fields and choose the most suitable shipping method to complete the order. The total cost is then displayed on the screen. This can be paid securely via the payment methods provided by Maksekeskus AS.

    NB! When using a bank link payment confirm the order and then click on the ‘Return to merchant’ button.

    The personal data necessary for the execution of payments is transferred to authorized processor Maksekeskus AS. The contract enters into force when the amount payable is transferred to the bank account of the online store.
    If we cannot deliver the ordered goods due to stock running out or for any other reason, the purchaser will be informed as soon as possible and the money paid (including the shipping cost) will be refunded promptly, but no later than within 14 days of receiving the notification.


    Goods are shipped to the European Union and European Economic Zone countries by curriers, parcel machine partners or pick-up from the store depending on the delivery address.

    The purchaser bears the shipping cost and the respective price information is displayed next to the shipping method.

    All shipments generally arrive at the destination specified by the purchaser within 7-20 business days of the date of entry into force of the contract of sale. We have the right to ship goods in up to 45 calendar days in exceptional cases.

    Right of withdrawal

    After receiving the order, the purchaser has the right to withdraw from the contract entered into with the e-store within 14 days. The right of withdrawal does not apply if the purchaser is a legal person.

    To exercise the 14-day right of withdrawal, you must not use the ordered goods in any way other than is necessary to ensure the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the goods in the same way you would be allowed to test the goods in an actual store. You cannot exercise the right of withdrawal if:

    • ordered goods or services cannot be returned by its nature;
    • ordered goods or services are provided with individual specification instead of standard offer;
    • you have opened the packaging which cannot be closed properly again.

    If the goods have been used for any purpose other than is necessary to ensure the nature, characteristics, and functioning of the goods, or if there are any signs of use or wear and tear, the online store has the right to lower the amount returned in accordance with the decrease in the value of the goods.

    To return the goods, you must submit a declaration of withdrawal in free form to the e-mail address [email protected] within 14 days of receiving the goods.

    The purchaser shall bear the cost of returning the goods, except in cases where the reason for the return lies in the fact that a refundable product does not comply with the order (e.g. a wrong or defective product).

    The purchaser must return the goods within 14 days of the submission of the declaration of withdrawal or submit evidence that they handed over the goods to the carrier within the aforementioned period.

    Upon receiving the returned goods, the online store shall return to the purchaser, immediately but no later than after 14 days, all of the payments received from the purchaser based on the contract.
    The online store has the right to refuse to make a refund until the goods being returned are received or until the buyer has provided proof of returning the products, whichever occurs first.

    If the buyer has clearly chosen a different form of shipment than the cheapest usual form of shipment offered by the online store, the store is not required to compensate the cost exceeding the usual shipping cost.

    The online store has the right to withdraw from the sale and demand that the goods be returned by the purchaser if the marked price of the goods in the online store is significantly lower than the market price of the goods due to an error.

    Defective goods

    The online store is responsible for the non-compliance of goods sold to a purchaser with the terms and conditions of the contract or for deficiencies which already existed at the time of delivery and which occur within two years of delivering the goods to the purchaser. Within the first year of delivery, it is assumed that the defect was present at the time of delivery. It is the online store ́s responsibility to prove otherwise.

    The purchaser has the right to turn to the online store within two months of the occurrence of a defect by e-mailing [email protected] or calling +37120505544. 
    The online store is not liable for any defects arising after delivering the goods to the purchaser.

    If goods bought from the online store have defects for which the online store is responsible, the online store will repair or replace the defective goods. If the goods cannot be repaired or replaced, the online store shall return to the purchaser all of the payments involved in the contract of sale.

    The online store will respond to the consumer ́s complaint in written form or in a form that enables written reproduction within 15 days.

    Direct marketing and processing of personal data

    The online store only uses the personal data entered by the purchaser for processing the order and sending goods to the purchaser. The online store forwards personal data to the transport service provider in order to deliver the goods.

    Settlement of disputes

    All complaints made by a purchaser about the online store must be e-mailed to [email protected] or submitted by calling +37120505544.
    If the purchaser and the online store are not able to settle the dispute by agreement, the purchaser may contact the Consumer Dispute Committee. The Consumer Dispute Committee is competent to resolve disputes arising from a contract between a purchaser and the online store. The resolution of disputes by the Consumer Dispute Committee is free of charge for the purchaser.

    A purchaser may also turn to the dispute resolution bodies of the European Union.


    1. General provisions

    1.1. This privacy policy regulates the principles of collection, processing, and storage of personal data. Personal data is processed and stored by Rollers and Skis Ltd., who is the controller of the personal data (hereinafter the controller).

    1.2. For the purposes of this privacy policy, a data subject means the customer or another natural person whose personal data is processed by the controller.

    1.3. For the purposes of this privacy policy, a customer means anyone who purchases goods or services on the controller’s website.

    1.4. The controller observes the principles relating to personal data processing provided by legislation and, among other things, processes personal data in a lawful, fair, and secure manner. The controller is able to declare that personal data has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

    2. Collection, processing, and storage of personal data

    2.1. The personal data collected, processed, and stored by the controller has been collected electronically, mainly via the website and e-mail.

    2.2. By sharing their personal data, the data subject grants the controller the right to collect, arrange, use and administer, for the purpose defined in the privacy policy, the personal data that the data subject shares with the controller either directly or indirectly when purchasing goods or services on the website.

    2.3. The data subject is liable for the accuracy, correctness, and integrity of the data submitted by them. The submission of knowingly false data is regarded as a breach of the privacy policy. The data subject is required to immediately notify the controller of any changes in the data submitted.

    2.4. The controller is not liable for any damage or loss caused to the data subject or a third party as a result of the submission of false data by the data subject.

    3. Processing of personal data of customers

    3.1. The controller may process the following personal data of the data subject:

    3.1.1. Given name and surname;

    3.1.2. Telephone number;

    3.1.3. E-mail address;

    3.1.4. Delivery address;

    3.1.5. Bank account number;

    3.1.6. Payment card details;

    3.2. In addition to the foregoing, the controller has the right to collect data about the customer that are available in public registers.

    3.3. The legal basis for the processing of personal data points (a), (b), (c) and (f) of Article 6(1) of the General Data Protection Regulation:

    (a) the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes;

    (b) processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract;

    (c) processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject;

    (f) processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child.

    3.4. Processing of personal data according to the purpose of processing:

    3.4.1. Purpose of processing – security and safety
    The maximum period of storage of personal data – according to the terms specified by law.

    3.4.2. Purpose of processing – the processing of orders
    Maximum period of storage of personal data – until right of withdrawal expires.

    3.4.3. Purpose of processing – financial activities, accounting
    Maximum period of storage of personal data – according to the terms specified by law.

    3.4.4. Purpose of processing – customer management
    Maximum period of storage of personal data – until customer requests to delete his personal data.

    3.5. The controller has the right to share personal data of customers with third parties such as processors, accountants, transport and courier companies, companies providing transfer services. The controller is in charge of the processing of personal data. The controller transmits the personal data necessary for making payments to the processor, Maksekeskus AS.

    3.6. The controller processes and stores personal data of the data subject implementing the organizational and technical measures to ensure that the personal data is protected against any accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration, disclosure, and any other unlawful processing.

    3.7. The controller stores the data of the data subjects depending on the purpose of processing for unlimited period of time or until maximum period of time expires as in point 3.4.

    4. Rights of the data subject

    4.1. The data subject has the right to gain access to and examine their personal data.

    4.2. The data subject has the right to obtain information on the processing of their personal data.

    4.3. The data subject has the right to modify or rectify inaccurate data.

    4.4. If the controller processes personal data of the data subject based on the consent granted by the latter, the data subject has the right to withdraw their consent at any time.

    4.5. To exercise their rights, the data subject can contact the customer support of the online store at [email protected]

    4.6. To protect their rights, the data subject can file a complaint with the Data Protection Inspectorate.

    5. Final provisions

    5.1. These data protection terms and conditions have been prepared in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), the Personal Data Protection Act of the Republic of Estonia and legislation of the Republic of Estonia and the European Union.

    5.2. The controller has the right to amend the data protection terms and conditions in part or in full, notifying the data subjects of the amendments via www.rollersandskis.com